A teacher obsessed with the idea of becoming perfect teacher suffers from severe anxieties & tensions so she should be more flexible and liberal and should not set unachievable standards. Her effective instructional strategies and subject matter competency comes to her rescue during challenging situations. The use of computer technology and good web resources will definitely go a long way to help a teacher to become more effective. Yes, knowledge is power! Websites like http://www.teachnology.com/ , http://www.dictionary.com/ , http://www.mathforum.org/ and http://kannan.edublogs.org/ are exclusively meant for the teachers.
Under the guidance of an effective teacher, students learn how to manipulate knowledge and understanding gathered from various sources rather than depending upon spoon fed instructions. She aims at creating original thinkers rather than meek followers. Her specific short-term goals for each class should be targeted with organized planning & preparation for flawless learning and zero error.
Sound management skills are other pre-requisites for creating optimal learning environment in the classroom. Her ability to handle mis-behaviour and non-indulgence in favourtism strengthens her students to put their confidence in her. In addition to it her assertive rather than aggressive and appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication skills establishes her rapport with the students once for all.
Serving as a mediator, she should inculcate sensitivity and acceptance for diverse types of students in her classroom, which helps in creating global citizens. A teacher has absolute commitment towards her students so she should not let negative emotions to diminish motivation. Her teaching parameters go much beyond academic related training and include community service projects, cultural enrichment activities and life skills training: simultaneously infusing moral education through hidden curriculum. After all a teacher with a positive frame of mind leads to quality in terms of result and dynamic learners.
Above all the best teacher is the one who helps out the students to appreciate and reverence the Creator who is the Divine Teacher. King Solomon put it this way; “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.”