Tuesday, February 21, 2006


1) Individualization and self- pacing.
Students can work at their own pace of using computers. Students retain display as long as they want. Software programs can be used according to the learners’ and teachers’ presentation of display.
2) Immediate feedback.
Instructional computer program provides immediate feedback to each student about his performance.
3) Consistent correction procedures.
Computer-assisted instruction programs provide specific, concise correction.
4) Repetition without pressure. Students can use computers to repeat problem solving as many times as required .Computers don’t get tired!
5) Immediate knowledge of correct responses. In the traditional method of teacher’s instruction, the student has to wait until the response sheet is corrected. But in computer instruction, a student gets immediate evaluation report (and feedback) for the content areas.
6) Well-sequenced instruction. Software package provides content into small steps and allows students to master one step at a time. Well-designed and well-sequenced instructions enable different levels of learners to learn according to their own pace of learning.
7) High frequency of student response. Good software is highly interactive, demanding student response. Students cannot remain passive in front of a computer; so students remain on task and get more practice.
8) Repeated demonstration of mastery of academic subject matter. For students who have experienced failure, software programs may allow success by providing review and recall of previous learning.
9) Motivation. Students get motivated to work and learn academic subjects. They develop self-interest and self-motivation to take up the task of learning aspects through computer-instruction.
10) Increased time on task. Students really spend more time working with computers than they do with traditional paperwork.